Catherine’s Peregrinatio

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Palenque Ruinas, Mexico

The archeological zone just outside the town of Palenque, in the state of Chiapas, is home to a relatively small complex of pyramids, temples, and residential buildings. The complex is surrounded by an ecological park, containing waterfalls and jungle. If you so wish you can choose to take a small walk through the jungle, arriving […]

Copan Ruinas in Honduras

Honduras has a bad reputation amongst travellers, with many considering it to be too dangerous to visit. A visit to Copan Ruinas, however, feels anything but dangerous. The town looks rather new, with brightly painted buildings and many local men wearing boots and a cowboy hat. It has the feel of a Mexican town from […]

Teotihuacan – City of the Gods

If you make it to Mexico City you can’t avoid hearing about Teotihuacan. Many tour companies sell day trips to this vast complex of ancient pyramids and other buildings, located an hour or two outside of the city. The complex was built by a peoples most often referred to as the ‘Teotihuacans’. This is, however, […]

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